Today I worked outside just doing general clean up, adding mulch to the compost bin and bedding to the worm bin to cut down on the bugs, weeding around the plum tree, honeysuckle vine, roses and sugar snap peas and removing some extra sod from around the flower bed in the front so the lawn mower won't knock down the plants. We tried to use the weedwacker and the lawn mower today but neither will work...saved for another day I suppose. It felt really good to get the basic "cleanup" done, tomorrow I'm going to build a little arbor for the pickling cucumbers and get those planted. I also have zucchini seeds to plant.
After that it's on to the next experiment! we are going to sew tubes out of the burlap sacks we got from Seattle Coffee Works and fill them with mulch and make a new herb and tomato bed by the side porch. I'm really excited to get that started. We have 6 bags of compost and 3 topsoil so hopefully that will be enough for now. I also want to get to a farmers market next week to get a seed potato, I'd love to grow some Yukon gold or purple potatoes!
Plans are being discussed to build a chicken coop, we are hoping to get some free pallets for wood, we'll see how that works out.