Saturday, May 8, 2010


today we got chickens!  A little earlier than planned but Jen wanted a specific variety and they were about to sell out. All the way out to Snohomish to Dayville feed store ( , it was a really long drive! but we now have 3 pullets and 2 chicks.

The pullets are a called a Brit Red which is a Rhode Island Red xbreed that will lay year around here in the NW.  I can't remember what they are xbred with I will have to call the feed store tomorrow.  The 2 chicks are Wyandotte I think, they are "henrietta birds" if anyone remembers the children's book, they will be bright black and white spotted with a red comb.
I guess I'm not a good chicken owner, I should have written the breed names down at the store.

Right now the 3 pullets are living in a dog crate borrowed from a friend in the living room! (yikes!) and the 2 chicks are in a milk crate in my room under a heat lamp.  The next few days are going to be filled with building building building.  I want the coop done soon, but they need to finish feathering out before they can go out anyways. The chicks will be a few weeks before they can go out but they will hopefully be big enough to go into the dog crate in a week or two.  I've posted pictures here on my facebook, ti was easier for now:!/album.php?aid=14803&id=1756879312&ref=mf