The chickens got a lot of the extra straw and some weeds, fern cuttings and various other bits so they spent the day eating greens and turning their run. In another few weeks of warm weather we're going to be able to pull out quite a bit of compost which I'm pretty excited about.
We planted seeds:
- shrub peas
- sugar snap peas
- green beans
- parsnips
- carrots
- onions
- cucumbers
- summer squash
- scarlet runner beans
- sunflowers
- cucumbers
- zucchini
We still need to plant all of the tomato starts and some more summer & winter squashes which I will probably get to this afternoon since I'm not working. (after kayaking of course!)
I'm really excited about having a garden again this year and I'm still contemplating a yummy chicken dinner if the chickens don't start behaving better. The past 2 days seem to have a bit of a truce with Sammy & the "4" (Henrietta, Henny Penny & Lunch & Dinner) so perhaps they are safe for now. I'm hoping this truce means some of Sammy's feathers on her head will grow back -I wonder if bald chickens get sunburn?