Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's finally getting warm here in Seattle - we had a whole 4 days in a row with sunshine.  Lots of things started growing in those 4 days and my veggie beds are full of weeds and horsetails :/  I guess I know what I should be doing this afternoon.

Two weeks ago we got a baby duck - we were supposed to get 2 but one died in transit.  In order to get another we had to get 2 more so we've ended up with 3 baby ducks; they are Cayuga ducks and they are sooooo cute!  I can't even describe how cute they are. They have such big personalities and make little whistling peep peep noises.  Right now they are living in a large plastic bin in our kitchen. *sigh* this is not an ideal location for ducks-it's not horrible but it's not awesome either.  Fortunately we have a large kitchen.

When we had just the one duck she was super friendly and wanted to be on your lap or in your sweater or something all of the time.  If you weren't with her she sat in the kitchen and yelled until you came and got here - we even had to put her to sleep or she would just yell all night long...with the addition of two more they are no longer concerned with us - the smaller two follow the larger one cute! And they wobble when they walk - adorable!  Jen named them Zoe, Chloe & Madeline; so far we can tell them all apart since they are different sizes.  When they grow up maybe not so much.

Here's some pics they are hard to photograph since they are so dark: