Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring is here!

Today is the first "official" day of my spring break and the first day I've seriously gotten out into the garden beyond short little 15 minute spurts.  Jen & I pulled out blackberries and knotweed that are trying to creep back in thru the mulch.  It's amazing how they are so resilient!   if even a tiny piece is left it starts to root up.  ug.

the italian plum tree that I was able to prune earlier this year is looking good, leafing out and I'm interested to see if it grows a lot of fruit this year or not.  I don't feel really confident in pruning fruit trees yet so I'm just not sure.  I dug up the yellow plum that had volunteered on the fence-line behind the italian plum and planted it in a more ideal location.  I broke some of the roots (1 was under the fence & into the neighbors property and the other ran down the ravine somewhere) so I'm a little nervous about it's ability to survive.  It's early spring though so it should be fine.  I also did some pruning on it that I'm  really nervous about, I followed my book exactly but we'll see.  Poor little tree looks a bit butchered!

While I was doing that Jen planted purple cabbage and brussel sprout starts in the deep planter bed.  I'm excited to start planting!  It's almost warm enough out to start transplanting our little seedlings we've been growing all winter.  The cherry tomato seedlings are outside enjoying the sun and we will hopefully be planting them in soon too but I'm worried that it is still to cold at night. I don't know-it is warmer than usual out so hopefully it's OK.


  1. I think I will go back and buy that plastic sheeting deal for the cherry tomatoes, I dont want them to die, they were too much fun to watch grow and they were way tasty last year.

  2. yea, but its really expensive! I wonder if we can rig something up with the dogwood twigs and some saran wrap?
