Monday, June 21, 2010

free projects stuff

We've had a few fun conversations about the millions of things you end up doing when you have no money and lots and lots of time. (which is where we are at now) Funny thing is I think I've had more fun doing things this way then I would if we'd had plenty of money and no time, or for that matter even if there had been a balance.  I love that our garden projects have taken time and effort, somehow it makes the success better!   While thinking about this I felt like making a list of all the awesomeness because I like lists.  This starts from last year.

-free plant starts: tomatoes, cabbages, brussel sprouts, shiso, broccoli, peppers, dill
-free seeds: carrots, lettuce, beans, tomatoes, squash, kohlrabi, beets, broccoli, multiple herbs
-free burlap from coffee roasters
-free pallets from coffee roasters
-free 4x4's from neighbor
-free dresser (used to make potting table)       
-free table (used to build chicken coop)
-free bricks
-free mulch
-4" and 1 gallon pots

I'm sure there's more that I'm not remembering.  It's an amazing list.

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