Saturday, July 24, 2010

Things are growing like crazy right now - that means all of the blackberries and knotweed are trying to encroach on everything too.  *sigh*  It's frustrating to be on crutches and not be able to work in the garden.  Tomorrow I'm going to try some weeding around the roses and strawberries because I think I can sit on the ground with my leg out and do that, I might even try some weeding in the raised beds if they need it since I can probably do that from a camp chair.  

I'm excited for some planned improvements next year but I think all of our projects this year are on hold until I get better. It's a lot of work doing all of this on your own and Jen has been doing an amazing job of taking care of things on her own - I am way impressed and feel very lucky to have a gardening partner :) 

 Things I am excited to help with is learning to can pickles when our cucumbers grown and make plum jam when the plums are ripe.  I'm also going to work on building a tall frame to grow the sugar snap peas on next year and build some potato bins.  Not sure how much building can be done with limited mobility but I'm sure I can figure it out.  2 other small things I want is to find a semi-permanent location for my duck kiddie-pool and possibly plant a few water plants in it and make a fountain with the big blue pot.  Not essential but fun to do. 

My new blueberries are looking fantastic and I'm glad to see they are growing in their pots well since they won't be going into the ground until this fall I think they doubled in size since I got them.

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