Thursday, February 17, 2011

pictures!...or not

I finally took pictures!  There was sunshine and warmth and wonderful all day Sunday...then we discovered the camera cord has gone missing, none of can remember where it got packed and we thought the office had gotten unpacked....*sigh* it's just not working to get pictures of the new garden!

Anyways...back to sunshine and gardening fun...the chickens had a fabulous time sunbathing and wandering through the garden while I cut back dead flower stocks and pulled the dead annuals from last years garden...Jen built one of the two compost bins and we set that up by the vegetable garden.  I scooped up chicken manure-y straw from the chicken run and spread it out over the blueberry garden, then sheet mulched over top of that.  I'm so excited to finally get that project done, I hope the blueberries like all of the extra nitrogen fertilizer :)

We also "dug up" a Sambucus nigra (love these plants!) that had outgrown its pot.. and moved it over behind the chicken should be so beautiful this summer!  It had outgrown the pot so much that the bottom of the pot was completely gone and I had to ( to!) break the pot apart with a sledge hammer..that was actually pretty fun. 

Jarett (the NGP!) removed another 4' of ivy from the rock wall and Jen cut down a bit of the shore pine we wanted to get rid of. 

All in all it was a fantastic work day and someday I will post pictures!  Don't worry, there are lots of pictures...they are just stuck on the camera....

1 comment:

  1. oooh! I forgot to mention a discovered plant that had popped up in a back corner...Arum italicum pictum! It has been relocated to the entryway where the sambucs was - it should add a really pretty foliage accent!
